Monday, December 18, 2006

"Is it leaning a little bit, Mama?"

This is truly a child's Christmas tree! Bruce put the tree together and the lights on. I put the tinsel garland on and the kids did all the rest! Now, I did have to do a little clean up on it because Ikey thought putting as many ornaments on one branch was just peachy!

We put the tree in "Bruce's corner" in the family room this year. It works, but now as I look at the picture it truly looks like an Ozark Hillbilly Christmas with his gun rack in the background! After Molly and Bruce put the star on, Molly got off the stool and stood back and said, "Is it leaning a little bit, Mama?" Yip, it sure enough is! Hopefully it will last the remaining 7 days until Christmas. Next year Bruce wants to chop a tree down from the farm. I just get visions of "Christmas Vacation" at the thought of that...

Well, from our house to yours..."Merry Christmas"!! And as Ike likes to say, "Happy Birthday, Jesus!" Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

ETC.Z Schimpf said...

Tie it to the floor that is what we did.