Monday, October 23, 2006

Do you like this??

The bottom one with the rust, gold and teal colors. We are switching rooms with the kids. It is just too cramped in there for two twin beds and a crib and a toy box and a big book shelf! By us switching rooms it will give them the walk in closet, more floor space and a bathroom they really don't need. That will be the hardest giving up our bathroom! But, it's better than fighting with them to make their beds. It really is next to impossible to do a good job making the beds with them shoved against the wall like that. Bruce is going to measure all the furniture and put it in the CAD program to make sure it really is going to fit. Because I ordered those bunk beds from e-bay just by eyeballing their room saying, "oh yeah, it'll fit!".

Anyway, since I have to give up my master bedroom Bruce let me order all new bedding! So now I am going to paint the smaller room to match all the new stuff. This is so much fun! I feel like I am on an HGTV show or something. We are going to paint the kids new room as well and their bathroom. If anyone wants to come over and help let me know! It will be lots of fun! :) Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Cindy said...

that's two twin bunk beds...