Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Dear Missouri Friends...

On the ballot November 7th there is a yes/no vote on Amendment 2. Those for this amendment want you to think its about stem cell research but it is actually about Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT). That is the process for creating a cloned human embryo. It has nothing to do with embroyonic stem cell research for cures!! It's about making our tax dollars available and legal for research on cloning by amending our state constitution.

When you read the amendment on the ballet beware because the language is very deceptive. It says it calls for a ban on human cloning or attempted cloning but somatic cell nuclear transfer are human clones.

There is a big debate about embryonic stem cell research which has been going on for awhile now. Those for embryonic stem cell research want to make you feel like you are against cures for terrible, horrible dieases. Research done on embryonic stem cells has produced NOTHING but defects and tumors. They need federal funding for this research because biotech companies are not putting their money behind losing research. Have you ever heard about the success from adult stem cell research? You can get adult stem cells from umbilical cord blood, placenta, bone marrow and more. Nothing (no one) is destroyed and it has been successful in treating over 65 illnesses! Why they focus on embryonic stem cells is for cloning.

Please, just be informed when going to polls on Tuesday the 7th. Go to www.nocloning.org for more information.

Thank you!

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