Sunday, July 16, 2006

She's growing!

Now a whopping 9 pounds 3/4 ounce! She really loves her Daddy. Every time she looks at him she just breaks out into huge smiles. She really likes to "talk" to him too. The vowel sounds she makes is like she is really trying to tell him something very important! She's adorable! Friday the kids and I went to Gold Mines to pick out some "purposeful toys". Toys with texture and sound to help her senses. The one major area of delay we could have with Marissa being so early is 'tactile defense'. It is common for premeeies to have sensitivity to touch and texture. There are things we can do to help this like buying these toys, exposing her to grass, dirt, sand etc., different types of materials, things like that. This is so not my parenting style! I like the kids to be clean, avoiding dirt and sand especially! I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks! Posted by Picasa

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