Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Of course you can't go out to the Farm and not shoot at a few targets! What do you when the squishy ear plugs won't stay in her ears? Believe it or not she didn't mind this at all! I guess after all the tubes and needles she's had stuck in her she's thinking "hey, THIS is no big deal!" I shot a 9 mm and a 380...I think I need some practice. I scared myself! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Cindy Lou!!!

I hope you are feeling better. You're always in our prayers.

I saw this blog entry and thought I should take this opportunity to get advice.

Had I not been under the weather myself, I would have gone shooting for the first time in probably 10 years.

When I shot outdoors previously, I just had access to rifles. I don't remember what type; but one had a POWERFUL kickback that actually bruised my shoulder a bit.

I have a friend who is QUITE an enthusiast, and has automatic, semi-automatic, and whatever else kind you can have (even some machine guns)

He's been wanting me to go with he and his wife for 8 years. At first I was a bit shy about it because I felt I didn't know enough about it, and thought I'd be embarrassed.

Now I want to go, (as soon as I'm feeling better) and what I'd like is to have some advice.

What advice? ANY!!! LOL

I know this friend knows I'm not anything more than a beginner, but I'd like to know some basics beforehand.

So if you have any advice, please let me know!!!


Uncle Fred