Monday, September 25, 2006

Wow...THAT was NOT fun!

I have spent the last 12 days sick as a dog! I mean, I have never been so sick like that where I didn't get over it in a couple of days. It started a week ago last Thursday. I was overly tired and low energy, a little achey. Ya know, like how you feel before you realize your pregnant and feeling like this leads you to taking a pregnancy test! Well, knowing that was not going to be the problem I just pressed on thinking it would pass. Went to St. Joe Friday for the weekend still with low energy but managing then BAM...Sunday came I was going down. Fever came on, full blown body ache, headached and dry cough. Suffered through until Tuesday then went to the doctor only to be told...virus. Finally after a trip to Urgent Care on Saturday for IV Fluids and pain medicine on Monday I am feeling halfway human again!

It is so hard for the mom to be down and out for so long! Bruce has done a fine job of taking care of the kids and I'm thankful for Papa and Lula next door! But being the mom there is no time for 12 days of confinement! Now I am going to burn my bedsheets and bleach the bathroom!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since you wrote in the past tense I am guessing you are feeling better. I'm glad. We have been praying for you and your family.

Sarah Thompson