Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Trying again

Yeah, right

I have tried to blog several times and end up being interrupted or completely losing my train of thought! I will try again. Getting ready for a pretty simple Thanksgiving holiday. Just mom and dad and two Filipino families that have no place else to go! Bruce wants me to make deviled eggs. Is it proper for a Christian to serve such things?? lol (I know...pretty lame!) My poor dog went under the knife yesterday. She seems fine today. It was a trip explaining to the kids that we didn't want the dog to have puppies so we did this to her! I love to hear them explain it to someone!! I don't know why I cannot figure out how to attach a picture here! I went to the tutorial and it said to just click the icon. I don't see no stinkin icon! I know you are sorely disappointed! As if anyone is reading this other than Bruce. And that's even doubtful he makes it passed the first line before thinking "I've heard all this before!" Have a Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

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